Saiba quais são as 67 músicas da coletânea PURE McCARTNEY – PORTAL BEATLES BRASIL
Paul McCartney

Saiba quais são as 67 músicas da coletânea PURE McCARTNEY


O novo lançamento de Paul McCartney, o primeiro de 2016, é mais uma coletânea, que já tem gente chamando de “All The Best II”. Pure McCartney deverá ser lançado em 3 formatos (2CDs, 4CDs e 4LPs). Nos dois formatos mais completos, apresentará uma coleção de 67 faixas, escolhidas pelo próprio Paul McCartney como sendo as mais representativas da sua carreira pós-Beatles. A ordem de apresentação das faixas, a primeira vista, parece ser aleatórea, sem uma ordem definida, onde por exemplo uma música do RAM aparece no mesmo lado do vinil que uma do NEW. Veja a relação nos 3 formatos disponíveis:

PURE McCARTNEY 2 CDs (49 faixas)

pure mccartneyDISC 1

  1. Maybe I’m Amazed
  2. Heart Of The Country
  3. Jet
  4. Warm And Beautiful
  5. Listen To What The Man Said
  6. Dear Boy
  7. Silly Love Songs
  8. The Song We Were Singing
  9. Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey
  10. Another Day
  11. Sing The Changes
  12. Jenny Wren
  13. Save Us
  14. Mrs Vandebilt
  15. Mull of Kintyre
  16. Let ‘Em In
  17. Let Me Roll It
  18. Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Five
  19. Ebony and Ivory


  1. Band on the Run
  2. Arrow Through Me
  3. My Love
  4. Live and Let Die
  5. Too Much Rain
  6. Goodnight Tonight
  7. Say Say Say [2015 Remix]
  8. My Valentine
  9. The World Tonight
  10. Pipes of Peace
  11. Dance Tonight
  12. Here Today
  13. Wanderlust
  14. Great Day
  15. Coming Up
  16. No More Lonely Nights
  17. Only Mama Knows
  18. With a Little Luck
  19. Hope For The Future
  20. Junk

PURE McCARTNEY 4 CDs (67 faixas)

pure mccartneyDISCO 1

  1. Maybe I’m Amazed
  2. Heart Of The Country
  3. Jet
  4. Warm And Beautiful
  5. Listen To What The Man Said
  6. Dear Boy
  7. Silly Love Songs
  8. The Song We Were Singing
  9. Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey
  10. Early Days
  11. Big Barn Bed
  12. Another Day
  13. Flaming Pie
  14. Jenny Wren
  15. Too Many People
  16. Let Me Roll It
  17. New


  1. Live and Let Die
  2. English Tea
  3. Mull of Kintyre
  4. Save Us
  5. My Love
  6. Bip Bop
  7. Let ‘Em In
  8. Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Five
  9. Calico Skies
  10. Hi, Hi, Hi
  11. Waterfalls
  12. Band on the Run
  13. Appreciate
  14. Sing The Changes
  15. Arrow Through Me
  16. Every Night
  17. Junior’s Farm
  18. Mrs Vandebilt


  1. Say Say Say [2015 Remix]
  2. My Valentine
  3. Pipes of Peace
  4. The World Tonight
  5. Souvenir
  6. Dance Tonight
  7. Ebony and Ivory
  8. Fine Line
  9. Here Today
  10. Press
  11. Wanderlust
  12. Winedark Open Sea
  13. Beautiful Night
  14. Girlfriend
  15. Queenie Eye
  16. We All Stand Together


  1. Coming Up
  2. Too Much Rain
  3. Good Times Coming/Feel the Sun
  4. Goodnight Tonight
  5. Baby’s Request
  6. With a Little Luck
  7. Little Willow
  8. Only Mama Knows
  9. Don’t Let it Bring You Down
  10. The Back Seat Of My Car
  11. No More Lonely Nights
  12. Great Day
  13. Venus and Mars/Rock Show
  14. Temporary Secretary
  15. Hope For The Future
  16. Junk

PURE McCARTNEY 4 LPs – Disco de Vinil (46 faixas)

pure mccartneyA1

  1. Maybe I’m Amazed
  2. Heart Of The Country
  3. Jet
  4. Warm And Beautiful
  5. Listen To What The Man Said
  6. Dear Boy


  1. Silly Love Songs
  2. The Song We Were Singing
  3. Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey
  4. Another Day
  5. New


  1. Mull of Kintyre
  2. Sing The Changes
  3. Jenny Wren
  4. Mrs Vandebilt
  5. Save Us


  1. Let ‘Em In
  2. Let Me Roll It
  3. Ebony and Ivory
  4. Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Five


  1. Band on the Run
  2. Arrow Through Me
  3. My Love
  4. Live and Let Die
  5. Too Much Rain


  1. Say Say Say [2015 Remix]
  2. My Valentine
  3. Goodnight Tonight
  4. The World Tonight
  5. Pipes of Peace


  1. Dance Tonight
  2. Here Today
  3. Wanderlust
  4. Great Day
  5. Coming Up
  6. No More Lonely Night


  1. Too Many People
  2. Only Mama Knows
  3. With a Little Luck
  4. Hope For The Future
  5. Junk


Quer comentar?

  • Ótima coletânea,e sendo do Paul não poderia ser diferente.Só espero que chegue por aqui,pois “Tug of War” e “Pipes of Piece” remasterizados lançados no final do ano passado,ainda não os encontrei aqui.


José Carlos Almeida

+55 11 95124-4010