Vídeo: Triskell – “Down In Liverpool” (homenagem aos Beatles) – PORTAL BEATLES BRASIL
Beatlemania Nacional

Vídeo: Triskell – “Down In Liverpool” (homenagem aos Beatles)


Uma das bandas mais bacanas surgidas no ambiente beatle nacional é essa aí, a Triskell, que tem como guitarrista e vocalista Rafael Godoy, um antigo colaborador do Portal Beatles Brasil. Segundo Rafa, a inspiração pintou devido a uma  “epifania que rolou quando pisei em Liverpool pela primeira vez”. Eles produziram e lançaram o seu primeiro disco e fizeram essa participação no programa Balcony TV – com um clima ‘rooftop’. Confira aqui o resultado:

Aí vão mais informações sobre a gravação (retiradas do próprio Youtube):

TRISKELL performs the song “DOWN IN LIVERPOOL” for BalconyTV.
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This is Triskell, a brand new band formed by the long time partners Rafa, Wen and Ed, presenting their very first album!

Valuing the song writing over production, they bring their show to the UK for the first time ever. The record is co-produced and played by bassist Vinicius Junqueira, from the legendary 60’s band Os Mutantes, brazilian psychedelic standing stone, acclaimed by such musicians from all over the world, like Beck, Sean Lennon, Kurt Cobain, David Bowie and Ringo Starr.

With the obvious influence of the 60’s transgressions, the album also draws from folk, blues, skiffle, and classical, in order to maintain the trio’s biggest passions in the world of music.

One of the tracks that clearly translates that feeling is the song “There and back again”, which is heavely influenced by Rafa’s first trip to Scotland and England, being the direct by-product of his contact with Celtic and folk tradition; hence the group’s choice to herald the album in Europe this summer is ultra special.

For this particular tour, they also count on their musical buddy Michele Pordon on the bass, coming all the way from Italy to join the merrymaking. We sincerely hope you can have a glimpse of some of our music this summer!

Triskell performs periodically at venues in Sao Paulo: Bourbon Street, Black Horse GastroPub, Delirium Café São Paulo, O Garimpo.


Rafa Godoi – lead vocals/electric/acoustic guitar
Wendel Pistarini – keyboards
Ed Bezerra – drums


Middle Goer, Cd release gig – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reWuC…
When I’ll Walk, Cd release gig – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzM79…
Empty Shack, Cd release gig – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgFwU…
Abbey Road Medley, Cd release gig – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_X9A9…
Girl With a Good Heart, live acoustic Dublin, Ireland – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEZf0…

GIRL WITH A GOOD HEART – http://goo.gl/r5kPmI
WHEN I’LL WALK (w/ MARCELO GROSS) – http://www.triskellband.com/music2/demo/

Press: http://crazykiwi.com.br/show-da-trisk…

Production, Booking & Script: UK Live Sessions Music Entertainment Projects & PR
Cam-op: Keila Antunes and Caue Patucci
Mixer Engineer & Music Production: Rafael DG – Audmo
Presenter: David Ferreira *Lucky Lupe instrumental band (Lisbon-Sao Paulo)
Photographers: Keila Antunes and Caue Patucci
View Location: Centro Cultural São Paulo – http://www.centrocultural.sp.gov.br/

Supporter – Centro Cultural São Paulo – http://www.centrocultural.sp.gov.br/

Equipment by Nikon – http://www.nikon.com.br

Beverages by Bier & Wein – http://www.bierwein.com.br/
Feel Good Tea by Wow Nutrition – http://www.wownutrition.com.br/


Quer comentar?


José Carlos Almeida

+55 11 95124-4010